I walked on the old black green shoes in so many amazing places the last year. I experienced things I could not imagine. These shoes travelled to Cuba where I was walking 10-15 km a day some days..Back then, I thought that this was too much.. until the pandemic hit us. I walked over 500 km since March while listening to music, podcasts and audiobooks, talking on the phone with loved ones, analysing emotions or just staying with my own ones. The old shoes are worn out now. I had to buy new ones but I am so emotional and I don’t want to throw them away so if you have any ideas on how I can turn them to an installation to have them as a memory in my living room, message me.
Walking helped in doing so much reflection. I read somewhere that ’emotion needs motion’. It’s so true! One of the things I want to keep doing after this pandemic is to keep walking.

p. s. Shops are closed so I found an optimal solution. I bought the same ones in a different colour! 🥰

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